Pen is mighter than sword paragraph for 3 minutes
Pen is mightier than sword. By your pen you can change the world. A pen has the power to write all the rights.. To protect.. To change.. To express. But a sword just give the image of being afraid to loose pr being afraid to speak.. The one with power don't have the guts to speak.. But the ine with powerful words can do anything.
Explanation:It is the famous adage speaking about the power of writing. The power of pen is much larger than hat of sword, which means the power of writing is stronger than the power of sword end with war,hatred,conflict. While the power of sword end with loss,destruction, death,power of pen bring an inspiration, motivation and transformation to the sul. A sword conquires the physical existence of people whioe a man conquires the mind not against their will at force. That is why pen is mighter than sword.