Why star falls? As we can
see Falling star in the sky
⭐⭐during night⭐⭐
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RIP for RCB Fans....xD
star can't fall from the sky !! they aren't pasted up there !!
a star can't fall from somewhere
a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large,
remote incandescent body like the sun is known as a star
.itis a luminous ball of gas, mostly hydrogen and
helium, held together by its own gravity.
so we can say that a shooting or or a falling star is
actually not a star I!A "falling star" or a "shooting star"
has nothing at all to do with a star! These amazing
streaks of light you can sometimes see in the night sky
are caused by tiny bits of dust and rock called
meteoroids falling into the Earth's atmosphere and
burning up. The short-lived trail of light the burning
meteoroid produces is called a meteor. Meteors are
commonly called falling stars or shooting stars.