Perform an activity showing growth of roots (Meristematic tissue) in onion bulbs (Refer to activity 6.1 Chapter 6) Note down your observations and draw a neat and well labelled diagram
Removal of the root tip stops the root growth.
Growth in plants occurs in specific regions. These regions are apical, lateral and intercalary. These regions contain fast-dividing cell groups called meristematic tissues. When we cut the onion root tip, the apical meristem tissues are cut off. The apical meristem is the main dividing tissue in the root and shoot which increases the length. As a result, the growth of root is stopped in these roots.
Draw the table here
Inference: Here we see the root grows only at the tip. It indicates that part of a plant grows only at specific places. If we observe all parts of a plant we see, root tip cause root elongation, shoot tip cause shoot elongation, lateral sides of the stem and root increase the thickness of root and stem. Similarly, lateral sides of leaf grow and make a leaf big.