Biology, asked by Somilguha5367, 1 year ago

Performance appraisal in private hospitals in india


Answered by sjrahul12
Down the ages in some or the other form Performance Appraisal has always been in vogue in different forms and features. Even today in the era of globalization Performance Appraisal has become very important and a dire necessity for the employees both in the private as well as public sector organization. This is basically a process which evaluates the performance of an employee from time to time. There are various parameters or yard sticks to measure the efficiency and capabilities of the employee and his dedication towards the organization.An attempt has been made in this paper to identify the Performance Appraisal systems in hospitals and to offer suggestions for improvement.KEYWORDS:Performance Appraisal, Hospital, Methods of Performance AppraisalINTRODUCTIONNeed of Performance Appraisal System in HospitalHospital industry is a service industry, where patient (customer) is the most important person. So tremendous importance of people element has to be given, so all the employees of the hospital has to perform their duties in a better way n order to get customer satisfaction. As it is important how advanced technology and drugs you use to cure the patient, but it is also very important that how you deal with patient and their relatives (i.e. customer). So it is very important that how the staff of hospital performance their duties in order to make the patient satisfied. If the performance of employees isappraised then it is very beneficial for both the employees and the management to understand the current performance level and making improvements. Also performance appraisal helps to identify training needs so that employees can be trained to enhance their performance. This ultimately leads to customer satisfaction and overall organization development.It will lower post employees to understand how they are performing and how they will be rewarded.As the care of patients who are outsiders to the hospitals is taken; the care of internal customers i.e. Employees is also necessary.It gives boost to the employees to perform better in the future.It can give birth to healthy competition among different levels of employees and then they will learn from each other and improve.The total organization effectiveness will be improved and then the hospital will beable to compete with other hospitals.The most important thing is that self –motivation factor will be developed among employees and so they try their hand to perform and excel in their field.Performance Appraisal has different measures to judge the capabilities and efficiency of an individual in an organization how far the targets have been achieved, how has his performance been! It plays a very important role in their analysis as it keeps the employees motivated towards their jobs.
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