Chemistry, asked by harishvermabaq, 11 months ago

Periodic acid splits glucose and fructose into formic acid and formaldehyde. Ratio of formic acid and formaldehyde from glucose and fructose is :

a) 5/1 and 4/2
b) 5/1 and 3/2
​c) 4/2 and 4/2
​d) 3/2 and 4/2

The correct answer as per given in the book is option b) . Please explain how it is ?????


Answered by gadakhsanket
Hello dear,

● Answer - b) 5/1 And 3/2

● Explaination-
- Periodic acid (HIO3) cleaves the carbon-carbon bond in sugar through oxidation.
- 1 molecule of glucose will break into 5 formic acid, 1 formaldehyde. Thus formic acid/formaldehyde ratio is 5/1.
- 1 molecule of fructose will break into 3 formic acid, 2 formaldehyde and 1 carbon dioxide. Thus formic acid/formaldehyde ratio is 3/2.

Hope this is useful...
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