peripatus and neopilina are connecting link between annilida and arthopoda and what?
yes peripatus is the connecting link between annelida and arthropoda because it possesses characters of both the phylas
→ Peripatus is An arthropod and is a connecting link between annelida and arthropoda.
→It's arthropod characters include haemocoel, tracheae as respiratory organs and tubular heart with Ostia.
→The annelid characters exhibited are the worm like body, structure of the eyes, unjointed legs, presence of segmental nephridia, soft cuticle and continuous muscle layer in the body wall.
→It is a connecting connecting link between annelida and mollusca.
→It resembles molluscs as it possesses a shell, a mental and the large muscular foot.
→It's annelida characters are presence of segmentally arranged gills, nephridia and muscles and a trochophore like larval stage.