Chemistry, asked by Kushagg6269, 10 months ago

Phenomenon of passivity of metal


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Answered by aishaatif412

Answer: The phenomenon of passivity in metals was first described by

M. V. Lomonosov [3] in 1738; it was illustrated by the action of nitric

acid on iron. J. Keir [4], in 1790, independently of Lomonosov, described

and investigated in greater detail the phenomenon of passivity

of iron in nitric acid.

From then to the present, the phenomenon of passivity in iron and

other metals and alloys has been the subject of investigation by

physical chemists, corrosion scientists, and electrochemists, in

particular. Hundreds of papers relating to various aspects of the

passivity phenomenon have been published. Such widespread interest

in this phenomenon was provoked by its complexity and by the practical

importance of passivity for increasing the corrosion resistance

of metals and alloys.


Passivity can be defined as the stable inhibition or stifling of any

action, process, or reaction. In this respect, the term passivity can

be construed as any improved corrosion resistance of a metal in an

electrolyte, whatever the cause. However, the general opinion expressed

in the scientific literature clearly indicates that not all cases

of improved corrosion resistance can be considered as being caused

by passivity. Instead, the term usually applies only to metals thermodynamically

unstable under the given conditions, the improved corrosion

resistance of which is accompanied by a simultaneous shift of the

electrode potential in the positive direction. For this reason, the

resistances of noble metals in many electrolytes, of iron in neutral

solutions in absence of oxygen or during cathodic polarization, and of

spectroscopically pure zinc in dilute acid solutions, or iron in acid


N. D. Tomashov et al., Passivity and Protection of Metals Against Corrosion

© Plenum Press 1967


solutions to which arsenic compounds have been added, are, as a rule,

not called passive, since, in these cases, the corrosion resistance

is not associated with the shift of potential in the positive (cathodic)

direction. The increased corrosion resistance in these cases is

determined by an entirely different mechanism from that usually

involved in passivity.

Derived from modern concepts of electrochemical corrosion, the

phenomenon of passivity can be defined scientifically on the basis of

change in the factors controlling corrosion. It is known [1] that the

rate of a thermodynamically probable electrochemical corrosion

process is determined by equation (1) (p. 5), which shows that the

corrosion rate depends on the degree of thermodynamic instability,

i.e., the emf of the corrosion process equal to E~-E~, and on the

resistance of the electrochemical processes as a series of consecutively

connected steps. The principal resistive factors in the corrosion

system are usually the cathodic (P d and anodic (P a) polarization.

Analysis of numerous examples of passivity shows that in all

cases of improved corrosion resistance, there is a sharp increase of

anodic polarization, that is, a sharp increase in the inhibition of the

anodic process.

It is therefore logical to define passivity on the basis of the

controlling factor in the corrosion system [5]. In other words,

passivity can be defined as a state of improved corrosion-resistance

of a metal or alloy (under conditions where, from a thermodynamical

paint of view, the metal or the alloy is reactive), accounted for by

inhibition of the anodic process of metal dissolution.

In many cases, improved corrosion resistance of metals is

associated primarily with the thermodynamic stability of the system

or with cathodic polarization or ohmic resistance. These examples,

based on the present definition of passivity, cannot be associated with


The present definition of passivity makes it possible to calculate

approximately* the degree of passivity of a metal in a given corrosive

medium from the magnitude of anodic control [ea =/). Va/(E~ - E~)]

or from the ratio of anodic inhibition (anodic polarization) to cathodic

inhibition (polarization) [1T = /). val/). V c].

Figure 2 shows curves for change in degree of passivity of iron in

neutral aerated solutions determined from the change in magnitude of

7T = /). Va/!1 V c and the magnitude of anodic control [ea = /). Va/(E~ - E&)]

as a function of the corrosion potential of iron. It can be seen that

*More precisely. the degree of passivity at each potential can be determined from the tangent

of the angle at a given point of the anodic polarization curve.

Copyright: Plennum Press 1967. This was taken from an actual research. and does not belong to me

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