phonetic symbol in forget

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is the list of alphabets developed in order to illustrate the pronunciation of each letter as used in any word. It was created in mid of 19th century. Its only aim was to give a specific symbol for every single sound in a certain language. Anyhow, in the mentioned query, we only need to find the phonetic symbol of the first three alphabets as underlined in the provided image (d-a). Find below the separate representation for the two consonants and one vowel present in the group of letters 'for' from the complete word- 'forget'. Beside each symbol, the pronunciation-description is illustrated.
Word: Forget.
f- voiceless labiodental fricative; consonant sound.
ɚ- rhotacized schwa, basically [ər]; vowel sound.
r- voiced alveolar quaver; consonant sound.