pic ⬆️ please tell me correct answer

3. water = it is called hydroelectric power.it is used to store water in dam or river. water released from the reservoir flow,through a turbine, spinning it , which in turn activate a generator to produce electricity
4. fossil fuel power plants burn coal or oil to create heat which is in turn used to generate steam to drive turbine which generate electricity
2. solar panels use the protons produced by sunlight to generate direct current electricity . when the proton hit the panel they are absorbed by the panel semiconducting silicon material .
3. water = it is called hydroelectric power.it is used to store water in dam or river. water released from the reservoir flow,through a turbine, spinning it , which in turn activate a generator to produce electricity
4. fossil fuel power plants burn coal or oil to create heat which is in turn used to generate steam to drive turbine which generate electricity
2. solar panels use the protons produced by sunlight to generate direct current electricity . when the proton hit the panel they are absorbed by the panel semiconducting silicon material .