Math, asked by abhinavtiwari20185g, 5 months ago

Pick out the solution from the values given in the bracket next to the equation. Show that the
other values do not satisfy the equation-
x - 17 = 10 (-30, 30, 27, -20)


Answered by ltzSweetAngel


Show ( p) ( q) and (p q) are equivalent.

Solution We first construct below the truth table for the two compound propositions

Since the last two columns are the same, we conclude ( p) ( q) and (p q) are equivalent.

Show (p q) and ( p) ( q) are not logically equivalent.

Solution This is manifested in the following truth table

because the corresponding truth values differ (at 2 places).

Show (p q) ( p) is a tautology and (p q) ( p) is a contradiction.

Solution From the following truth table

We see (p q) ( p) is always true and is thus a tautology and (p q) ( p) is always false and is thus a contradiction.

Switching Circuits and Boolean Algebra

For switching systems with state space S={0,1}, the ''+'' and '''' operation are binary and the '''' operation is unary.

Solution This is because for any switching systems x and y, we have that x+y, x y and x' are all still switching systems with the same state space S.

Note Binary operator or operation has nothing to do with binary numbers.

Switching system (S, +, , ,0,1)with S = {0,1} is a Boolean algebra.

Solution We need to show B1 -- B5, by letting ''+'', '''' and '''' specifically denote switches in parallel, in series and in complementation respectively. The identities in B1 are valid because

The proof of B2 -- B5 is elementary. Hence we'll simply show only the first half of B3, i.e. a + (b c) = (a + b) (a+c). We'll show the identity by the use of the evaluation table below

Answered by mukeshkumarpohari




Step-by-step explanation:


in ssiishzhzu9shs

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