Pip can type 90 words a minute.
How many words can be typed in 10.5 minutes?
Mark as the Brainliest
Step-by-step explanation:
A good typing speed for most people is 40 words per minute or over. This would give you a word count of 2400 words per hour if you could sustain the pace for sixty minutes. There are people who can type a whole lot faster than 40 words per minute. If you’re a professional typist, you can probably type 75 words per minute, and maybe even more. What’s the world record? Believe it or not, it’s 150 words per minute, and that was measured over a sustained period. When given a shorter time frame, our world-record typist could reach a speed of 212 words per minute. In other words, she can type much faster than most people can talk.
945 words
Step-by-step explanation:
- 90words for 1min
- 900 words for 10min
- ==>45 words for 30sec
- 10.5min==>10min30sec
- total words are 900+45==>945
hope it is useful ...plzz mark it as brainliest answer