English, asked by rajisanil7873, 7 months ago

Pl solve these
1- What two words when combined contain the most letters.
2-What is always coming,but never arrives.
3-A man stands on one side of a river n his dog is on the other.The dog crosses the river with out getting wet n without using a bridge or boat.
4-what can be broken but is never held.
5-If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada,where do they bury the survivors. 6-what has a head n tail but does not have a body.
7-"The attorney is my brother"testified the accountant.But the attorney testified he did not have a brother.Who is lying?
8-What goes up and down but always remains same place.
9-Mrs John's bungalow is decorated completely in pink with the walls,carpet and furniture all shades of pink,what colour are stairs?
10-What is it goes up,but never comes down.


Answered by venkatavineela3



1. alphabet and post office

2. tomorrow

3. the river is frozen

4. railway track

5. No where

6. coin

7. no one is lying because the accountant may be his sister.

8. staircase

9. no stairs in bungalow

10. age

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