Placenta fundal posterior grade 2 maturity meaning
Placenta delivers nutrients and oxygen from the blood to the mother to the blood of the baby. The placenta covers the wide area and is connected to the uterus of the mother.
Both an anterior and the posterior placenta are normal both the baby and the mother. When it is in the vertical location of the uterus, this makes it a placenta posterior. when the placenta is in the back wall towards the upper portion of the uterus, it is considered to be the placenta posterior fundal. This is considered as the best position for the baby to be in as it allows the baby to move into the anterior position just before it is born.
The placenta is an organ in your body that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient intake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply.
For anybody's well being, you should avoid lifting heavy objects or do tasks which take a toll on your health.
Fundal posterior means your placenta is located at the back part of the uterus.