plant a tree and nourish it to protect the lithosphere (give short note)
planting a tree helps the development of root at underground which makes the lithosphere possible that it holds water soil erosion and make lithosphere smooth and proper protection
You have learned about systems and cycles throughout your studies of Natural Sciences over the past 5 years. For example, you have learned about the life cycle of a butterfly, energy systems in food webs or electric circuits, and the solar system. Much of what we observe in nature is part of one or many systems or cycles. In this chapter we are going to learn about the Earth as a closed system and the four different parts (spheres) of this system The lithosphere includes the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle. All mountains, rocks, soil and minerals included in the Earth's crust are part of the lithosphere. Even the seafloor is part of the lithosphere, because it is also made up of sediments of sand and rock..