English, asked by harshdeep5918, 2 months ago

plant body is made up of mycelium in​
its science question


Answered by asajaysingh12890



Plant body of fungi is simple. Their range from unicellular, uninucleate forms like Yeast and Synchytrium to thread-like structure called mycelium which is made up of a net like mass of tubular filaments called hyphae

Answered by abhisek5tiwari


Mycelium, plural mycelia, the mass of branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of fungi. The mycelium makes up the thallus, or undifferentiated body, of a typical fungus. It may be microscopic in size or developed into visible structures, such as brackets, mushrooms, puffballs, rhizomorphs (long strands of hyphae cemented together), sclerotia (hard, compact masses), stinkhorns, toadstools, and truffles. At a certain stage it produces spores, directly or through special fruiting bodies.

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