Social Sciences, asked by megha205168, 4 months ago

please answer any one​



Answered by sameer7127


Social movements come into existence when a change is either forced on them or when they demand a change. The movement for rights of people in USA and Meira Pabi movements had one basic feature similar between them. They both resisted the change imposed on them.

The Civil right movement was for equal treatment of black Americans.

1. They were against the rules of segregation of black and white in school,buses and public places.

2. They were discriminated in appointment and voting right.

Martin Luther King said it is necessary to use peaceful means to achieve equality for all the people.

Meira Paibi was a movement to prevent public disorder due to alcohol abuse in the late 1970s. It soon became a movement for human rights with the massive deployment of Indian armed forces to counter the armed forces for Manipuri independence. The Indian armed forces had powers in the name of AFSPA. This led to the frequent military operation and human right violation.

Answered by IceWeb

The Russian Revolution brought about many social changes in the country. These changes are mentioned below :

1. USSR under the leadership of Stalin tried to end small-scale production by forcing all small and large farmers to surrender their lands and join collective farms.

2. In this system, all the land, machinery, and raw material were pooled. The farmers worked together and distributed the produce among members. The main idea was to shift from small-scale farming to large-scale farming to use new techniques extensively on a large scale.

3. Many farmers resisted this, leading to imprisonment and even death. This also led to widescale starvation and famine.

4. All industries were owned by the state which did not allow the free market and sold the industrial products to the consumers directly.

5. A proper schooling system was developed. Arrangements were also made for factory workers to enter universities. Creches were set up for children of working women in factories.

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