please answer correctly

friend ,i tried my level best.
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honey will run fast
could u move your car please ?
marriage hasnt changed her.
open the window
latha tried tostop her
our cat lived till he was 20.
have you washed your hands.
did you wrote your name here.
we would like to add some money.
she passed aletter to me
stop singing
she gave me fruits.
mom makes dinner.
i am leaving.
the path ran over hill
we aremoving to a new home
ther are many changes in world.
the shop opens now.
soon yhe rain stopped.
we are living in a modern world.
priya washed dishes.
chara could not write.
sita adds that she lost money.
i need to pass this street.
we sang song.
meena gives akick to ball .
mina made a goal.
i will never leave.
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