please answer in 6 Marks

a) i. Benzaldehyde to benzyl alcohol:
in the presence of sodium hydroxide and heat , benzaldehyde turned into benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate
ii. Methyl benzene to benzoic acid
In the presence of pottasium permanganate methyl benzene turned into benzoic acid
b) when the -OH group attached with one carbon atom and this carbon atom is attached with 3 carbon atoms then it is called 3° alcohol
• when the -OH group attached with one carbon atom and this carbon atom is attached with 2 carbon atoms then it is called 2° alcohol
• when the -OH group attached with one carbon atom and this carbon atom is attached with only 1 carbon atoms then it is called 1° alcohol
c) Kolbe reaction is chemical reaction of carboxylation which is proceeds by heating with sodium salt of phenol with CO2 , then with H2SO4 and the final product of the Kolbe reaction is aromatic hydroxy acid which is named as salicylic acid