Biology, asked by mahek231, 1 year ago

please answer it fast........
what is synthroses diarthroses and amphiarhroses ​


Answered by mkostic


this is the answer:


A synarthrosis is an immobile or nearly immobile joint. An example is the manubriosternal joint or the joints between the skull bones surrounding the brain. An amphiarthrosis is a slightly moveable joint, such as the pubic symphysis or an intervertebral cartilaginous joint. A diarthrosis is a freely moveable joint.

Answered by GruntinBruiser


a synarthroses is a joint which is fixed and cannot move.

they are fibrous joints like the sutures of the brain.

amphiarthrosesis a slightly movable joint

it is called amphiarthroses since it is amphi means both

not fully fixed and Fully movable

they are cartilaginous joint

the joint between the vertebral column

diarthroses means Fully movable

they can move in most of the directions

example Ball and socket joint and hinge joint etc .

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