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Earlier this month, search engine giant Google joined in the effort to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic world over with a doodle and a message that read - Stay Home. Save Lives: Help Stop Coronavirus. The deadly COVID-19, which has dominated headlines since the start of the year, has affected over 2,630,000 people worldwide and caused over 180,000 deaths so far globally.
One of the most recommended preventive measures suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO), doctors and experts worldwide is social distancing and self-isolation. This way you can escape those who exhibit symptoms. Several countries, including India, enforced strict lockdowns lasting up to a month, urging people to stay at home as much as possible.
The coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented panic across the world. With no vaccine immediately available, the concern over the deadly virus increases with each passing day. It has taken a toll on people's mental health what with schools, playgrounds, malls, theatres and almost every other public space closed for the public. It is easy to get demotivated with the current global crisis which leads to stress and anxiety. But hope must not be lost. Keeping each other, family and friends positive during distressing times is important even when it is understandable to panic at this time.
Here are some stay safe, stay home positive messages to spread hope during the pandemic. Share positive words with your loved ones and count your blessings and remember, this too shall pass.
Nothing lasts forever. Not even the coronavirus. So stay home, stay safe and fight hard.
Stay home, stay safe – the only medicine found till now for coronavirus.
You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think - so follow guidelines and stay home to stay safe.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Stay positive, stay home and save lives.
Keep calm and stay home. Stay safe and you will save lives.
Positive anything is better than negative nothing - except the coronavirus. So stay home and help flatten the curve.
Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day. Stay home and spend time with family.
A powerful attitude awakens inner strength, energy, motivation, and initiative. Keep your attitude positive and fight the coronavirus by staying home, staying safe.
Stay-at-home directives are issued to protect you, your family, and the public at large. Do your part by staying home. Now is not the time for a play date for kids, not the time for a dinner for adults, and not the time for a personal visit to the elderly. Spring break plans should be cancelled, birthday parties should be postponed, extended family dinners should be suspended. If the NBA can cancel their basketball games, you can cancel your in-person social calendar. Please, stay home.
Postpone personal services
Staying at home means no visits to a massage therapist, no nail appointments, no visits to the barber or salon, and no tanning beds. Not for forever. Just for right now. It means focusing on your home and your health. Limiting contact with other people is called social distancing and it helps prevent the spread of viruses like COVID-19. You can literally save lives by staying home.
Things to remember
Stores will remain open. Our food supply is intact. Truck drivers are transporting food and grocery clerks are stocking shelves. There is no reason to buy several months of food.
The water supply is stable. Water from the tap is safe and necessary. Stay hydrated. There is no reason to stockpile bottled water.
Exercise is encouraged. You can still get out and walk the dogs — it’s good exercise and it’s good for everyone’s mental health. Physical exercises like leg squats or pushups help. YouTube exercise videos can help you stay fit and reduce stress and anxiety (please, no group exercise like basketball, pickleball, or trampoline centers). Mental exercises like puzzles, Sudoku, or crosswords can keep your mind sharp.
This stay-at-home directive will expire. The more we do our part now, the sooner we can get back to normal. Do your part: Stay at home.
Reminder: Include activities you can do for recreation like card games, movies, etc. while staying home. Recreation is an essential part of self-care and helps you stay resilient.
Not sure about an activity? Skip it.
Encourage kids to use their imagination. Build a fort with sheets, have a paper airplane contest, or introduce them to your favorite music through a dance party.
Encourage adults to use technology to stay connected. Call elderly people to stay in touch with them, use video chats to connect with friends, or write a physical letter to give someone an added surprise in their mailbox.
Encourage the elderly to protect themselves. Virtual visits and phone calls are best. Stay connected to neighbors by waving through a window. Call up friends from the past to connect with people you haven’t spoken with for a while. Forgive grudges; let bygones be bygones.
Limit travel to essential needs: going to the doctor, grabbing groceries, or getting medication.