English, asked by izzahnadeem2, 11 months ago

Please answer Narrate "A scene at a birthday party."


Answered by BrainlyFlash



First produced in Cambridge, England, in 1958, Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party takes place in “The living-room of a house in a seaside town.”1 In perhaps Pinter’s favorite setting—the room—Meg babies her lodger, the late 30-something Stanley. Stanley is a former concert pianist who seemingly prefers the safety of Meg and Petey’s house to accepting a job. The particular day of the play is Stanley’s birthday and Meg, being convinced by two brand new lodgers—McCann and Goldberg—plans a birthday party for him. It appears that McCann and Goldberg were looking for Stanley. Apparently, they were, at the very least, acquaintances before they meet again in Meg and Petey’s home. Before the party, McCann and Goldberg aggressively interrogate Stanley in tangential lines of thought, to the point where he almost cracks. He does crack, however, at the birthday party and “rapes” a neighbor, Lulu. The next morning, McCann and Goldberg take him away, much to the hesitation of, especially, Petey.

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