English, asked by anwitabose08, 6 months ago

PLEASE ANSWER PROPERLY OTHERWISE I WILL REPORT... Change the voice: 1. People use this path as a shortcut to the station. 2. The band was playing a lively dance tune. 3. The council will hold a meeting in the town hall this evening. 4. Someone had spilt ink on the rug. 5. This museum was built in the eighteenth century. 6. Historians have made interesting observations about these paintings. 7. The problem has been made worse by pollution. 8. Was the plan accepted by the committee? 9. The results of the election will be telecast by all the major news channels. 10. Food is served here till 11p.m. 11. The travel agent has made all the reservations for our trip. 12. Use the zebra crossing for safety. 13. Can you finish the work in a week? 14. Please offer a seat to the elderly. 15. This dress must not be washed in hot water. 16. His new car was stolen in the night. 17. He published his first novel when he was twenty-five. 18. Are you preparing this vegetable soup for dinner? 19. Keep your books neatly arranged on the shelves. 20. The language spoken in Kerala is Malayalam.


Answered by cdevharine2006


1)This path is used by the people as a shortcut to the station.

2)A lively dance tune was played by the band.

3)A meeting will be held by the council in the town hall this evening.

4)Ink had been spilt on the rug by someone.

5)This museum was built by him in the eighteenth century.

6)Interesting observations have been made by historians abiut these paintings.

7)Pollution has made the problem worse.

8)Did the committee accept the plan?

9)The major news channels will telecast the results of the election.

10)Till 11pm food will be served here.

11)All the reservations has been made by the travel agent for our trip.

12)For safety use the zebra crossing.

13)Can the work be finished by you in a week?

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