Biology, asked by niha2007, 5 months ago

please answer quickly​



Answered by jiyavig2887


1. Eye, In contrast, allergic contact dermatitis from repeated makeup use will usually cause itchiness and a rash that may look like eczema, the AAAAI says. Meaning, the skin around your eyes may become dry, scaly, or even form tiny cracks if you scratch it. These reactions can bubble up in response to any eye makeup ingredient.

2. tentracycline, mouth, One of the most common signs of a tetracycline allergy is a reaction in the skin, which may present as itching, rash, or hives. Sufferers may find that their mouth and throat begin swelling up

3. Animal dander , Pet allergy is an allergic reaction to proteins found in an animal's skin cells, saliva or urine. triggers the immune system to overreact in people with allergies.

4. milk, mouth, Hives. Wheezing. Itching or tingling feeling around the lips or mouth. Swelling of the lips, tongue or throat. Coughing or shortness of breath.

5. Pollen grain, nose, sneezing, puffy eyes


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