English, asked by kasturibhalerao, 11 months ago

please answer the question ha

Q.1 complete the following sentences.
a.It was johnny' rule​ to_________.
b.Johnny never thought about_______.
c.Johnny was commonly known as_____.
d.One day,this came in Johnny's way
e. Beside the river, Johnny watched________.

Q.2 Answer the following questions.
a. what is the poem trying to tell us ?
b. what was johnny's drawback, which always got him in trouble ?
c.who fell into a lump and why ?
d.why did johnny fall into the river ?
e.what did the fish and say ?

the first page of the lesson is in the image. And given below is the second page of the lesson.

Running just in the johnny's way
Came a little dog one day;
Johnny's eyes were still astray
Up on high, In the sky;
And he never heard them cry
'Johnny, mind,the dog is nigh!'
Bump! Dump!
Down they fell, with such a thump,
dog and Johnny in a lump!

Once, with head as high as ever,
Johnny walked Beside the river.
Johnny watched the bright round sun
Going in and coming out;
This was all he thought about.
So he strode on, only think!
To the river's very brink,
where the bank was and steep,
And the water very deep.

One step more! oh! sad to tell!
Headlong into poor Johnny fell.
And the fishes, in dismay,
Wagged their tails and swam away.

There lay Johnny on his face,
with the nice red writing-Case;
but,as they were passing by,
two strong men had heard him cry;

And with sticks ,these two strong men hooked poor Johnny out again.

And the fishes,one,two,three,
Are come back again, you see;
Up they came the moment after,
To enjoy the fun and laughter.
Each popped out his little head,
And, to tease poor Johnny,said
'silly little Johnny,look,
You have lost your writing-book!'




Answered by amrut7796


Q1 a ans: be looking at the sky

b ans :so that everyone cried out

Answered by tahseenahmadnadwi201

what was the Johnny's rule

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