please answer this

Answer: electronic configuration of Ti4+ is fully filled while Cr3+ has d4 configuration due to which there is non paired electron in Titanium 4 positive and there are four unpaired electron in Cr 3 positive
So that's why Titanium 4 positives is colourless and chromium 3 positive is coloured
Because of the phenomenon of d-d transition
The excitation of electron from lower energy d level to higher energy d level is called d-d transition.
In Ti4+
Ti4+= [Ar]
No vacant d orbital for excitation. So no colour.
In Cr3+
This is a half-filled t2g state. So excitation takes place.
Therefore,when this excited electron returns to ground state, colour in form of light is shown.
This proves that Cr3+ salts are coloured.
The main point is d-d transition.
Thank You