English, asked by anshtiwariat108, 1 year ago

please answer this questions​



Answered by pariksha14

Hey mate.. here's ur answer...

A. 1. an

2. no article, a, no article

3. an

4. no article, no article

5. a, a

6. a, no article, a, no article

7. a, no article

8. an

9. a

10. no article

B. 1. the

2. the, no article

3. the, the

4. the, the

5. the, no article

6. the, the

7. no article, the

8. the, the

9. the, no article, the

10. the, no article

hope it helps u...

paryuljain23: ok
paryuljain23: first i give
paryuljain23: I Am Paryul jain
pariksha14: ok
paryuljain23: a boy of rajasthan udaipur
paryuljain23: age is 15 and in class 10th
pariksha14: oky
pariksha14: myself pariksha age 14 student of cls 9th
pariksha14: from bahadurgarh haryana
paryuljain23: ohk
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