English, asked by kanha79, 1 year ago

please answer this quetion essay on scarity of water face by you​


Answered by saniya2000

water scarity is the lack of fresh water to meet water demand.One third of the global population live under conditions of sever water scarity at least one month of the year. 18% of the world's population which recides in India only has acess to 4% useable water sources.

When we were in Sahara.we had to face water scarcity at that time . At that time I understood that water scarcity info lack of water or quality water causes huge sanitation issues.Less water means farming and other crops that need water to grow have lower yield.That means farm animals will die and other will not do anything without water.

k23: nice answer
saniya2000: thanw
saniya2000: thanks
k23: hey
k23: nice quote in ur dp
saniya2000: thanks
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