Math, asked by krrod678, 17 days ago

Please answer this quickly!

You are trying to re-create Mendel’s pea experiments. Purple flowers are Dominant (P) and White flowers are recessive (p). You bought two Heterozygous Purple Pea plants at a nursery.

1. Please Fill out the Punnett Square Below for crossing two heterozygous Purple Pea Plants. (4 pts. 1 pt. per square)
(Hint: What does the root hetero- mean?)

( There is a square divided into 4 sections )

2. Use the Punnett Square above, answer the following questions:

a. What is the genotype of a White Flower off-spring? (1 pt.)


b. What is the ratio of white to purple flowers? (1 pt.)


Please answer this and show work please! =)


Answered by Anonymous

1) The word 'hetero' means different.

Heterozygous is a condition in both recessive and dominant trait are present.

Here, two heterozygous pea plants are crossing ( Pp × Pp ).

( Punnett square in the attachment )


a) Here, as the purple is dominant trait,

PP and Pp will have purple colour.

Genotype of white colour flower = pp


Purple flowers - PP and Pp ( 3 )

White flower - pp ( 1 )

Ratio of purple flower to white flower = 3 : 1

Additional information :-

Homozygous : A condition in which the two members of an allelic pair are similar in a diploid organism.

Heterozygous : A condition in which two members of an allelic pair are dissimilar.

Dominant characteristic : Any characteristic that appears in F₁ generation offspring from a cross between parents possessing contrasting characteristics such as tallness and dwarfness.

Recessive characteristic : Any characteristic present in the parental generation that does not appear in F₁ generation but reappears in the F₂ generation.

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