Social Sciences, asked by medhabhadana2004, 3 months ago

please answer to these questions:-

1. When did the constitution of India come into effect?

a) January 26, 1947
b) January 26, 1950
c) January 27, 1949
d) January 26, 1949

2. How many Schedules are contained in the Constitution of India?

a) 20 schedules
b) 12 schedules
c) 32 schedules
d) 92 schedules

3. The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are borrowed from

a) Irish Constitution
b) Japanese Constitution
c) Constitution of USSR
d) Constitution of USA

4. Panchayati Raj Subject falls under which List of the Constitution?

a) Union list
b) State list
c) Concurrent list
d) None of the above

5. Under the Constitution of India, which one of the following is not a fundamental duty?

a) To vote in public elections
b) To develop the scientific temper
c) To safeguard public property
d) To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals

6. Of the following values, which is not mentioned in the Preamble of the Constitution of India?

a) Liberty
b) Fraternity
c) Integrity
d) Equality

7. The President's rule is imposed on a state in India, when

a) the state cabinet of ministers resigns
b) the governor of the state dies
c) the elections are announced.
d) there is a constitutional breakdown

8. Which of the following set of Articles deals with 'Emergency Provisions'?

a) Articles 32 and 226
b) Articles 350 and 351
c) Articles 352, 356 and 360
d) Articles 335, 356 and 337

9. During Emergency under Article 352, which of the following constitutional provisions stands suspended?

a) Directive Principles of State policy
b) Amendment procedures
c) Fundamental Rights
d) Judicial review

10. What provision in the Constitution enabled the central government to impose the service tax and to expand its span?

a) List I, Schedule VI
b) List III, Schedule VII
c) Residuary Powers under Article 248
d) Emergency Powers

11. Which of the following is a political right?

a) Right to freedom
b) Right to contest elections
c) Right to equality before law
d) Right to life

12. Article 370 of the Constitution is applicable to the state of

a) Nagaland
b) Mizoram
c) Manipur
d) Jammu and Kashmir

13. Fundamental Rights in India are guaranteed by it through

a) Right to Equality
b) Right against Exploitation
c) Right to Constitutional Remedies
d) Educational and Cultural Remedies

14. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution talk about

a) Right against exploitation
b) Right to Life
c) Right to Freedom of press
d) All of the Above

15. Which Article of the constitution states that "No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or employed in any hazardous employment."

a) Article 21
b) Article 22
c) Article 23
d) Article 24

16. How much time did it take for Constituent Assembly to finalize the constitution?

a) 2 Years 11 Months 18 Days
b) 2 Years 9 Months 8 Days
c) 2 Years 7 Months 18 Days
d) 2 Years 5 Months 20 Days

17. Which one of the following is not correct in reference to the interpretation of the fundamental rights under the constitution of India?

a) It guarantees the rights of individuals against the State
b) It guarantees the rights of individuals against other individuals
c) It protects citizens against the absolute exercise of power by the State
d) It protect all human being against the absolute exercise of power by the State

18. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India prohibits the untouchability?

a) Article 17
b) Article 18
c) Article 19
d) Article 20

19. Which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides safeguards to the linguistic minorities?

a) Article 24
b) Article 25
c) Article 29
d) Article 32

20. What is the meaning of 'Social Equality' in the Indian Constitution?

a) Lack of Opportunities
b) Lack of Equality
c) Equal opportunities for all sections of the societies
d) None of the following


Answered by s02371joshuaprince47


1. January 26, 1950

2.12 schedules

3.Constitution of USSR

4.Concurrent list

5.To safeguard public property

6.) Equality

7.the state cabinet of ministers resigns

mark me as brainliest......

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