History, asked by nitara12, 1 year ago

please can someone give me some information on the bermuda triangle


Answered by AthiraUday123

The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-traveled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.


The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular region in the North Atlantic ocean that is somewhat bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. This area has been known to exude paranormal activity and is even feared by many people. Although many skeptics will chose to degrade this area's abilities, others may even blow it out of proportion. Truth is, none of us really know what goes on in this daunting area, but what we do know is that too much has happened to deem it a coincidence

The Bermuda Triangle also goes by the name of "The Devil's Triangle" and it isn't too hard to see why. Many curious disappearances have occurred in this region, so many in fact, that speculation and myths have been on the rise for centuries. Many explorers and navigators have even reported seeing strange lights and unexplainable occurrences that if spoken about, will surely make them look like they've spent too many time at sea.

What's worse is that there has been no recognition for these impossible occurrences from the government and so it is left to the public to fantasize over. From ship to airplane, bizarre events have rattled even the most conservative of minds and will continue to do so

Christopher Columbus kept a journal throughout his voyages in hopes of keeping every little detail documented. His journal, "Vita del Ammiraglio" which translates to, "The Life of The Admiral" proved to be very informative in helping the modern world understand what went on all those hundred of years ago.

In 1492, Columbus set sail in hopes of finding an alternative route to Asia, and ended up discovering the Americas instead. His journey brought him directly into what some people like to call, "The Devil's Triangle" but unfortunately for the native people of North America, the Bermuda Triangle did not disappear Columbus' ship.

"There exists the possibility of never leaving this legendary sea. My compass acts strangely. This sea seems to have the ability to draw things in from all over the Atlantic like a catch-basin." Is an entry from Columbus' journal. The explorer also documented witnessing a fiery ball fall from the heavens.
Curiously enough, many incidents that involve the Bermuda Triangle have yet to be explained or even confirmed. Ships and aircraft have continuously gone missing since the 1600s, and until today, many people chose to neglect the stories told by the few people who have survived this phenomenon.

Due to the major current that emanates from the Gulf Stream of Mexico, many floating objects found in the Bermuda Triangle can be hard to trace. The powerful stream can travel as quickly as 2.5 metres per second and can be found flowing through the Straits of Florida and right into The North Atlantic. Thanks to this current, it would be near impossible to find any stranded or disabled aircraft or ship.

In 1925, a ship named the SS Cotopaxi left the shores of South Carolina with the hopes of reaching Cuba. However, two days after departure, all signs and communication with the ship were lost and the boat was never seen again. That is, until last year, when the ship was recovered after 90 years, seemingly intact for it's neglected condition, and with no signs or remains of human life. Even the captain's logbook remained empty of any indications of what could have taken place.

Hope it helps u

Mark as brainilist
Answered by tanu320
Bermuda triangle is also known as devil triangle . it is the region in the Western part of North Atlantic ocean where a number of ships and air crafts are said to be disappeared mysteriously .it is also an area frequented by tropical cyclone
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