Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Please check the code and tell the errors.

<title> Solar System </title>
<body bgcolor=pink text=black topmargin=10 bottommargin=10 leftmargin=10 rightmargin=10>
<h1 align=center>
<marquee behaviour=alternative direction=right scrollamount=1 bgcolor=yellow width=30% height=10%>Solar System<marquee><h1>
<hr width=20% align=center color=red>
<hr size=3 color=blue>
The Sun, theeight planets with their satellites,and some other heavenly bodies likeasteroids,meteriods and comets from the solar system.The sun is at center of the solar system.
<h3 align=left>The Sun</h3>
<p align=left>The Sun is the largest member of the Solar System.All the planets,satellites,asteroids and comets revole arond the bright Sun.<br>It is about 150 million km away from the Earth.It produces a lot of heat and light which is very crucial for all forms of life.</p>
<h3 align=left> The planet</h3>
<font face=monotype corsiva size=5 color=red>
<p><b><i><u>The planets are celestial bodies that do nothave their own heat and light.They arespherical in shape.There are eights planets in our solar system.</u></i></b></p></font>
<ul type=disc>
<li>Mercury <li>Venus <li>Earth <li>Mars <li>Jupiter <li>Saturn <li>Uranus <li>Neptune </ul>


Answered by srajfaroquee

Note: Copy and paste this code. I hope your problem is now solved.



<title> Solar System </title>

<body bgcolor=pink text=black topmargin=10 bottommargin=10 leftmargin=10 rightmargin=10>

   <h1 align=center>

   <marquee behaviour=alternative direction=right scrollamount=1 bgcolor=yellow width=30% height=10%>Solar System</marquee><h1>

   <hr width=20% align=center color=red>

   <hr size=3 color=blue>

   The Sun, theeight planets with their satellites,and some other heavenly bodies likeasteroids,meteriods and comets from the solar system.The sun is at center of the solar system.

   <h3 align=left>The Sun</h3>

   <p align=left>The Sun is the largest member of the Solar System.All the planets,satellites,asteroids and comets revole arond the bright Sun.<br>It is about 150 million km away from the Earth.It produces a lot of heat and light which is very crucial for all forms of life.</p>

   <h3 align=left> The planet</h3>

   <font face=monotype corsiva size=5 color=red>

   <p><b><i><u>The planets are celestial bodies that do nothave their own heat and light.They arespherical in shape.There are eights planets in our solar system.</u></i></b></p></font>

   <ul type=disc>

       <li>Mercury </li>

       <li>Venus </li>

       <li>Earth </li>

       <li>Mars </li>

       <li>Jupiter </li>

       <li>Saturn </li>

       <li>Uranus </li>

       <li>Neptune </li>




****Please mark this ans as Brainliest answer!

Answered by prashantjain72







<H1>Solar System</H1>

<IMG SRC="220px-The_Sun_by_the_Atmospheric_Imaging_Assembly_of_NASA's_Solar_Dynamics_Observatory_-_20100819.jpg

<P>The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system comprising the Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly.Of those objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest eight are the planets, with the remainder being significantly smaller objects, such as dwarf planets and small Solar System bodies. Of the objects that orbit the Sun indirectly, the moons, two are larger than the smallest planet, Mercury.</P>




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