please describe the event
one nation one card yojana and us govt shutdown?
don't copy from Google please
Opposing party wants some things passed that you oppose.
All Americans are pretty fed up that leadership is either impotent, unethical, chronies, or raving
You can jump into the fray and fight for your constituents or….
You can make sure the government just ceases to move forward.
Here's the thing though, everything citizens need to go about their lives stays funded: there is NOTHING to worry about because essential services stay funded.
So now you can go to your constituents with action you've taken which is actually no action: you've shut down the opposing party!
Constituents praise! “Yay! Big bad opposing party won't do anything so our politician shut them down!”
Opposing citizens get frustrated, but not really, “ugh… they aren't working together… but heck, they aren't doing anything together we all want anyway so who cares if they save money… shut it down, whoop de doo!”
Everyone goes home for a long vacation.
Eventually a budget agreement is reached. Everyone is back in the office. And all politicians look like they did something by agreeing and getting so they all gain points with their constituents while actually nothing was accomplished.
Next year, repeat, because why not. When the parties switch, do it again, there are no losers in politics on this issue and the media laps it up because it's scandalous; the American public feels good because either, “yeah, shut down the government, they aren't working together anyway!” Or “Finally. There back at it together!