English, asked by nareshunilec, 1 year ago

please give 10 lines on this picture ​



Answered by rathoreharsh4551


it is an simple picture


  1. this picture is of a park.
  2. there are 6 children in the park.
  3. one child is playing with boll.
  4. one girl is playing with badminton.
  5. there are too many flowers in the park.
  6. one child is playing with bat and ball.
  7. two children are running at back side.
  8. one child running to catch another one.
  9. children are very happy in playing in the park.
  10. this park is very beautiful.

.......i hope you this answer is helpful to you........

thank you

Answered by vijayapravallikapatt
  • They are playing in the park.
  • Six childrens are playing in the park.
  • There are so many flowers in the park.
  • Three of them are boys.
  • Three of them are girls.
  • One of the girl is playing shuttle. She is playing alone.
  • One of the boy is playing football. And the boy kicked the ball hardly.
  • A girl is running and a boy is running behind her.
  • One boy is hold the bat and ball.
  • A girl is playing skipping.
  • They are enjoying the game that they are playing.

Hope that it is helpful to you

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