Please give appropriate answer...ty

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myaddress = "Wazirpur 1, New Yamuna Nagar, New Delhi"
for i in range(len(myaddress)): #line 1 [a]
if myaddress[i].islower(): #line 2 [b]
print(myaddress[i].upper(), end = "")
elif myaddress[i].isdigit(): #line 3 [c]
print("*", end = "")
print(len(myaddress.split(","))) #line 4
print(myaddress.replace("New", "Old")) #line 5
Output for [d]:
- 3
Output for [e]:
- Wazirpur 1, Old Yamuna Nagar, Old Delhi
- len() is a function that calculates the length of the string.
- islower() is a method that checks if the string is fully in lowercase or not.
- isdigit() is a method that checks if the string has only numerical values or not.
- split() is a method that splits the string into substrings depending on the given separator as the argument. By default, if no separator is specified, it'll separate when there's a space character.
- replace() is a method that replaces a character/set of characters with new ones.
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