please give me a poem on my favourite book please give me today that's urgent
My Favorite Book
Translated from Hebrew to Greek,
Every jot and tittle to seek. Translated from Greek to Latin, on print like silky satin. Translated from Latin to the preferred, many versions of the word.
Trans, translation.
Written text in careful hands,
but not what God demands.
The living word is the person to be, may be the only book someone will see.
Scripture is important
inspiration from above. Yet - Transformation is the key, an example of Gods love.
Trans, transformation.
Not written by an apostle, prophet or guru, My favorite book is you.
Mark as brainelist
Mum,I don't want to go to school today,. Cause I fear our world is in decay. I feel my teacher's are part of the plot,. I am the only one who sees the rot. scientists are cloning pics and sheep ,. saying its change Quantum leap . biologists and making stem cells grow,. saying it's changed the way to go . jio largest finding cracks in our Earth,.