English, asked by aaryashgaikwad1978, 9 months ago

please give me answer ​



Answered by Itzdazzledsweetìe02


A Boy falls in a bad company_______father brings apples_____cupboard places a rotten apple among them______next day all apples rotten______teaches a lesson.




Bad Company!

Once upon a time there was a Rich Man he has only one son he was a good boy during school days but when he reached to college he had a few friends as they're not good then in few days the boy fell into bad company. He began to waste time. Not at all studying, using rubbish language. This made the father angry, he tried to teach him but all his efforts proved in vain.

One day the father thought Of a plan. He bought few fresh apples from the market. He added a rooten apple in the apples.Then he said to his son, "Put these apples in the cupboard." The boy did so.

Next day, the father asked the son to bring the basket of apples. The boy brought the basket of apples and was shocked to see that all the apples were rotten. The father said, "One rotten apple has spoiled all the good ones. Bad friends are like rotten apples. They will spoil you". The boy understood what is father was saying.

From that day the boy gave up bad company and became a good boy again.

The End!

Moral : Better alone than in a bad company.

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