please give me fast answer What problems did shifting cultivators face under British rule?
The British wanted the shifting cultivators to settle down and became peasant cultivators. But settled plough cultivation is not easy in areas where water is scarce and the soil is dry. In fact, shifting cultivators who took to plough cultivation often suffered. Their fields did not produce good yields.
In one room 5 friends use to live.
1. Mad
2. Fool
3. Brain
4. No one
5. Someone
One day Someonekilled No one.
At that time Brain was in the toilet.
Madcalled☎the police.
Mad: Hello Police?, No onekilledSomeone.
Police: Oh hello! Are you mad?
Mad: Yes! I am Mad.
Police: Dont you have a Brain?
Mad: Yes! Brain is in the bathroom.
Police: You Fool!
Mad: No! I am Mad. Fool is reading this message.
2⃣0⃣2⃣0⃣'s first class insult.
Dont laugh so much forward it to others➡.
Otherwise this message will get old.