please give me the answers .

1) India faced primarily three kinds of challenges in the post-independence phase as the social, political and economic challenges. Social ones can be seen as communalism, especially after partition when mass mobilization occurred and others included rampant casteism and untouchability.
2) Some of the most important the causes of regionalism in India are as follows: (i) Geographical Factor (ii) Historical and Cultural Factors (iii) Caste and Region (iv) Economic Factors (v) Political-Administrative Factors.
3) The principle of separation of powers deals with the mutual relations among the three organs of the government, namely legislature, executive and judiciary.
4) A casting vote is a vote that someone may exercise to resolve a deadlock. A casting vote is typically by the presiding officer of a council, legislative body, committee, etc., and may only be exercised to break a deadlock.
5) State executive consists of Governor and Council of Ministers with Chief Minister as its head. The Governor of a State is appointed by the President for a term of five years and holds office during his pleasure. Only Indian citizens above 35 years of age are eligible for appointment to this office.