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It was summer vacations and all the children were going on a school trip to Kerala .The school trip was of 10 days, and all the days we enjoyed very joyfully. Some rules and regulations were made by our teachers for us.
Teachers divided us into five teams and different rules for each teams . and they started planning for play treasure hunting. The first team to complete the task will be divided with a gift hamper . All the children were very excited . They had to find the key to the treasure . All the teams started to find the key. All the teams were superfast and very talented. They quickly started following the clues. However, the team member got stuck at the last clue that mentioned about the key to the treasure, and the last clue was very easy. after searching for about 45 minutes one team of the 5 teams finally found the key to the treasure and then the map. And that team was of a girl named Shrishti. She tremble with excitement. She anticipated to be the first one to find the treasure.
But, one another team had also find the key to the treasure. Their Mentor had very clearly told them that out of that three keys ,only one could open the lock of the treasure box. However another team's key did not open the lock then with the shivering hands Shrishti tried the key she had. to her amazement and excitement the lock opened. Shrishti could not believe her eyes and started jumping with excitement. After finding the treasure, Shrishti was gifted.
and after these things all the Childrens returned their home again.
It was our summer vacation. We were having a school trip to Kerala.we were almost 30-35 students. it was an train journey in which we all friends enjoyed a lot in that train . when we reached at our resort it was nearly about 08:30 pm to 09:00 pm.So we all took rest and slept in our respective rooms . next morning as we woke up,freshen up and reached at the place decided. we found our teachers organising something special for us. it seemed to be very interesting. the teacher then asked us to be divided in groups of 5 each and all the students did that Excitingly. it was a map that our teachers gave us and told us to follow this to find a treasure. after a lot of hustle after crossing a lot of hindrances we reached our surprise point.
we decided to take a rest there and then open that treasure but one of ur team member was in a hurry she wanted to open that immediately. and so she tried. and after sometime when we got up we saw her hands were shivering the map in her hand was trembling and after looking we found that it was the real treasure of gold. although our teacher had kept candies and chocolates in treasure box but the box we found had gold in it it was a super exiting moment we hurried called all our teachers and showed them what we had found. at last we decided to donate that money to an NGO which works for poor.
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