Biology, asked by ashwinibhagat800, 5 months ago

please help me with this biology question​



Answered by debosmitabh10


(vi) Dendrite:-

Dendrites are branched cytoplasmic projections from the cell body. The dendritic tip of the nerve cells receive impulses and sets off a chemical reaction that creates an electrical impulse which is further transmitted to the cell body.

(x) Cerebellum:-

The cerebellum is a much smaller area of the brain located below the Cerebrum. It has no convolutions, but has numerous furrows. This also has an outer cortex made-up of gray matter and an inner white matter.

The main function of the cerebellum is to maintain the 'balance' of the body and coordinate muscular activity. The cerebrum and cerebellum work in close coordination. For example, if you stand up and walk, the impulse for this activity arises in the Cerebrum. The act of walking involves coordinated working of many muscles. Proper coordination and timing of contraction and relaxation of muscles is the responsibility of the cerebellum.

Answered by sharmadevharsh1305


yes I'll djbdjbdibdibejbv8d jbeivsuve gejbxivduvd8vz

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