Science, asked by ScoripaXBestXGirlX, 6 months ago


Chemical energy sources are often portable and provide large amounts of energy. Fossil fuels are one kind of chemical energy source. Most of the energy we use in the United States is generated by the combustion of fossil fuels. However, fossil fuel combustion adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, mostly CO2. One measure of the total amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere each year is called a carbon footprint. Study these images to compare the carbon footprint of an average person in the United States to an average person around the world.

Knowing that greenhouse gases are contributing to climate change, how can we reduce our carbon footprint, particularly in the United States? Could hydrogen fuel replace fossil fuels in the future? Why or why not? Should the size of a person’s carbon footprint be limited by law? Why or why not?


Answered by cj4ngqd8r2



Yes it it

Answered by tanishaag2710


1. Ways to reduce your carbon footprint are as follows:

  • Eat low in the food chain.
  • Choose organic and local foods

2. The versatility of hydrogen fuel creates many opportunities to replace fossil fuels in different parts of our economy.

3. The higher your footprint, the more significant the impact it has on the environment, and climate change.


Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases generated as a result of the production, use and end of life of a product or service. It contains carbon dioxide—the gas most often emitted by humans—and others, including methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming. In general, most of an individual's carbon footprint comes from transportation, housing, and food.

1. Ways to reduce your carbon footprint are as follows:

  • Eat low in the food chain.
  • Choose organic and local foods
  • Buy food in bulk
  • Compost
  • Reduce food.

2. Unlike most fuels, hydrogen does not produce the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned, but instead produces water. This means that burning hydrogen fuel does not contribute to climate change. The versatility of hydrogen fuel creates many opportunities to replace fossil fuels in various areas of our economy.

3. The bigger your footprint, the bigger its impact on the environment and climate change. Greenhouse gases (gases that trap heat in the earth's atmosphere), whether natural or man-made, contribute to the warming of the planet. Large carbon footprints deplete natural resources.

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