please solve it fast very important chapter 6 combustible and flame question no. 5

Question 5: Give reasons. (a) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment. (b) LPG is a better domestic fuel than wood. (c) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not. Answer: (a) Water is a good conductor of electricity. If it is used for controlling a fire involving electrical equipments, then the person dousing the fire might get an electric shock. Also, water can damage electrical equipments. (b) LPG is a better domestic fuel as it does not produce smoke and un-burnt carbon particles, which cause respiratory problems. (c) A piece of paper wrapped around aluminium pipe does not catch fire easily. This is because aluminium, being a metal, is a good conductor of heat. Therefore, heat is transferred from the paper to the metal and the paper does not attain its ignition temperature.