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Write the special adaptations in Stellar's Sea-Lion to live in polar region.
Adaptation of Sea Lions
Updated November 22, 2019
By Ethan Shaw
Sea lions are a type of pinniped, an order of marine mammals that also includes seals and walrus. They are superbly adapted to their oceanic habitat: streamlined and swift, well-designed for the pursuit of prey and the evasion of formidable predators.
General Morphology
Sea lions are distantly related to terrestrial carnivores like bears, but their conversion to an aquatic lifestyle has resulted in significant physical adaptations. They are equipped with large, powerful forelimbs, shaped into flippers to provide the bulk of their forward propulsion. Their hindflippers assist with steering.
Sea lions are distantly related to terrestrial carnivores like bears, but their conversion to an aquatic lifestyle has resulted in significant physical adaptations. They are equipped with large, powerful forelimbs, shaped into flippers to provide the bulk of their forward propulsion. Their hindflippers assist with steering. Extensive neck muscles provide greater range of movement in the head and neck than is found in true seals. Back and shoulder muscles are also significant, used for powering the foreflippers. The animals’ smooth form allows them to shoot easily through the water with minimal drag. Sharp teeth--not dissimilar to their terrestrial relatives--help them dispatch fish, squid and other favored prey.