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Step-by-step explanation:
order to represent 13/3 ,-7/5 ,15/4,-23/7on the number line, we first draw a number line and mark a point O on it to represent zero.
Now we find the points X and X' on the number line representing the positive integers 5 and -5 respectively as shown in the below figure.
Now divide the segment OX into three equal parts. Let A and B be the points of division so that OA = AB = BX. By construction, OA is one-third of OX.
Therefore, A represents the rational number
Point X' represents -5 on the number line. Now, divide OX' into three equal parts OA', CB' and B'X'. The point A' is such that OA' is one third of OX'. Since X' represents the number -5.
Therefore, A' represents the rational number
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Answer :-
Rational numbers can be easily represented on number line by just following some simple steps. Representation on number line depends upon the type of rational fraction is to be represented on the line. But before going to the number line don’t forget to check for the negative and positive sign of the rational number. Positive rational numbers are always represented on the right side of the zero on the number line. While negative rational numbers are always represented on the left side of zero on the number line.
Below are some of the types of rational numbers and ways to represent them on the number line:
I. Proper fraction:
We know that proper fractions are those in which numerator is less than the denominator. Such fractions exist between only zero and on. Proper fractions are less than one and greater than zero. So, proper fractions always exist between zero and one on number line.
In representation of rational numbers on the number line are discussed here. We know how to represent integers on the number line.To represent the integers on the number line, we need to draw a line and take a point O on it. Call it 0 (zero).
hope it helps you.....
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