English, asked by jatipu8c2hitasfi, 1 year ago

Please tell me format of poster making


Answered by harshavardhanm
Format: There are mainly two types of posters— a. ones which create awareness (for example, the importance of trees, the need to follow safety rules, consumer rights, etc) b. ones which announce an event (for example, a fete, a blood donation camp, literacy week, etc) For both the types— • Give the poster an appropriate title. • Use short and catchy phrases. • Vary the font style and size. • Add simple drawings and illustrations. • Mention the name of the organisation issuing the poster. • Present the poster within a box. For the second type— • Announce the event. • Mention the venue, the date and the time of the event. • Provide any other relevant information. Points to remember: • It should be visually very attractive. • A powerful message should be stated in only a few words. • The theme or the topic should be clear. • A message of appeal, awareness, caution, warning should be clear and precise. • The name of the organisation/individual issuing it should be mentioned. • Any style or size of the letters can be used. • An eye-catching title should be given.
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