please tell me the answer of this question

(i) Why can self - medication have dangerous results?
⇒ Besides superficial awareness, a number of patients know very little about dosage, duration and side effects of medication. In such a condition, they might take the wrong medicine which will react differently when consumed with another drug. This can even lead to death.
(ii) How can self - medication of antibacterial drugs be dangerous?
⇒ Self - medication of antibacterial drugs can be dangerous because it increases the risk of inappropriate drug use which might lead to antibiotic resistance, which is prescribed by the doctor, and will shrink the range of effective antibiotics.
(iii) What are the reasons for spiralling self - treatment?
⇒ Most viral conditions are self limiting as 80% get cured on their own. Moreover, disorders like allergic cold, Viral fever, Dry cough; etc do not need any kind of antibiotic.
(iv) How has the pill popping attitude become so common?
⇒ The pill popping attitude has become so common because of pharmaceutical firms where pills are available without bills and even sometimes, ironically, bills appear without giving pills.