Hindi, asked by Answer00, 9 months ago

Please tell me the meaning of this paragraph------ साथ खेलने वाले अधिकतर साथी हमारे जैसे ही परिवारों के हुआ करते। सारे मुहल्ले में बहुत परिवार तो, हमारी तरह आसपास के गाँवों से ही आकर बसे थे। दो-तीन घर, साथ की उजडी-सी गली में रहने वाले लोगों के थे। हमारी सभी की आदतें भी कुछ मिलती-जुलती थीं। उनमें से अधिक तो स्कूल जाते ही न थे, जो कभी गए भी, पढ़ाई में रुचि न होने के कारण किसी दिन बस्ता तालाब में फेंक आए और फिर स्कूल गए ही नहीं, न ही माँ-बाप ने ज़बरदस्ती भेजा। यहाँ तक कि परचूनिये,
आढ़तीये भी अपने बच्चों को स्कूल भेजना ज़रूरी न समझते। कभी किसी स्कूल अध्यापक से बात होती तो कहते–मास्टर जी हमने इसे क्या तहसीलदार लगवाना है। थोड़ा बड़ा हो जाए तो पंडत घनश्याम दास से लंडे पढ़वाकर दुकान पर बहियाँ लिखने लगा लेंगे। पंडत छह-आठ महीने में लंडे
और मुनीमी का सभी काम सिखा देगा। वहाँ तो अभी तक अलिफ-बे जीम-च भी सीख नहीं पाया।​


Answered by getsparkling

Please rephrase the question. Many of the words written in Hindi are not meaningful.

Anyways I will try my best to at least five the meaning of some of the apt sentences .

Most of the people who play with us have families similar to that of ours.

In the whole society there are many families which have come from nearby villages like us.

Two to three houses were of people living on ruined roads. All of our habits were also similar .

Many of them never used to go to school and even if they went , they never took any interest in studies because of which some day they threw their school bag in a pond and then neither did they go to school nor did their parents force them to go . Even grocers and jobbers never thought that it was necessary to send their children to school. When they used to speak to the school teachers, they would say - master ,What is the necessity for us to make him a tehsildar now.As he grows a little older we will make him study "lande" from " pandat Ghanshyam Das" and employ him to write accounts at the shop. "pandat" will teach him accountancy in 6 to 8 months .

Sorry .. I am unable to comprehend the meaning of the last sentence .

Hope this answer helps

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