English, asked by vinod7841, 1 year ago

Please write 10 lines on my lunch box


Answered by amansingh8285364027


it's your lunch box how can I write about it


mostly wanted a good and oil free food for my lunch

2. the food which is kept for me should be hygienic and tasty to eat.

3.i wanted my lunch to be packed a neat way and good amount of food should be there.

4. the lunch should be in less amount to my school

i take my tiffin box with me to my school daily.

it is blue in colour and is divided in two parts.

it is having a spoon and a fork too.

in my tiffin, i usually takes vegetables with chappatis and sometimes bread, pasta etc.

the food are always wrapped in a foil.

i have the most beautiful tiffin box because chhota bheem is drawn in it.

i love my tiffin box.

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