English, asked by vishahanrakar, 1 year ago

Plot synopsis on a good rule to follow is never to reveal too much


Answered by VRAAA


It is wise not to reveal the whole of anything or just too much, be it our thought or ourselves or any deed to be done. It gives some sort of favourable edge. In business dealings it is very common. Though one has to reveal facts, one can still not reveal too much. It is the trick of the trade.

Let us assume two businessmen and mutual friends are bidding for some government contract. The bidding is done and as in all biddings, one has to wait for the result which takes time. In the meantime the friends keep meeting personally. They both discuss and share everything but their bid! It would not help to reveal anything about the bid. As human nature would go, it will lead to competition and may eventually even affect their personal relationship. Had they been mere acquaintance, the same rule would apply.

Another instance is when students have to complete projects, the same rule applies. There are students who believe in their own ideas and efforts but there are some who are there to just live off other peoples’ efforts. This is also the instance when not revealing too much would help.

On personal front, it is again better to keep some things to oneself to just avoid hurting others and oneself. The reason is our thoughts are open to different interpretations, the same way others’ thoughts are to us. This is where revealing too much would hurt rather than help. Sharing and enjoying each other’s company are all fine so long as one knows when to say what and to whom and how much!

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