pls answer it... it's urgent please answer

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i'm different cz i'm maggi sauce
"its different"
*Javed Jafree
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This is an interesting question, but not an easy one to answer.
I’m going to assume that you feel different, or you wouldn’t have asked the question. I’m also going to assume that you don’t want to be different. For a lot of school-aged people, feeling like they stick out is terribly uncomfortable. No one wants to think that other people are noticing them for the wrong reasons.
Growing up, I felt like an alien a lot of the time. I never seemed to know the right things to say or how to act. I was too smart, too shy, too ugly, too inept, too clumsy…you get the picture. I would’ve given just about anything to be the same as everyone else.
If you’re feeling like that, my heart goes out to you. All I can tell you is that you’ll be okay. I found people like me in high school, and had a much better time. University was great. I’m sure you’ve heard that it will get better before, but it’s true.
What I suggest is to pay attention. Do the other students treat you differently? Do the teachers? Do you talk to people differently than they talk to each other?
The trick, of course, is to not let any fears or preconceptions color what you observe. Listen to what they’re really saying. See what they’re really doing. You may be surprised that they really do treat you like everyone else.
Finally, I received this piece of advice just recently, and I wish I’d known it when I was young: Don’t judge your insides by someone else’s outsides. In other words, chances are that everyone else is also worrying about being different, or saying or doing the wrong thing and being noticed for it. For all you know the same person you think has it all together is thinking the same thing about you.
I hope that helps!
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I’m going to assume that you feel different, or you wouldn’t have asked the question. I’m also going to assume that you don’t want to be different. For a lot of school-aged people, feeling like they stick out is terribly uncomfortable. No one wants to think that other people are noticing them for the wrong reasons.
Growing up, I felt like an alien a lot of the time. I never seemed to know the right things to say or how to act. I was too smart, too shy, too ugly, too inept, too clumsy…you get the picture. I would’ve given just about anything to be the same as everyone else.
If you’re feeling like that, my heart goes out to you. All I can tell you is that you’ll be okay. I found people like me in high school, and had a much better time. University was great. I’m sure you’ve heard that it will get better before, but it’s true.
What I suggest is to pay attention. Do the other students treat you differently? Do the teachers? Do you talk to people differently than they talk to each other?
The trick, of course, is to not let any fears or preconceptions color what you observe. Listen to what they’re really saying. See what they’re really doing. You may be surprised that they really do treat you like everyone else.
Finally, I received this piece of advice just recently, and I wish I’d known it when I was young: Don’t judge your insides by someone else’s outsides. In other words, chances are that everyone else is also worrying about being different, or saying or doing the wrong thing and being noticed for it. For all you know the same person you think has it all together is thinking the same thing about you.
I hope that helps!
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